Sharing and Goodbye Time. From Random Writing to Clinical Hypnosis, A Focused Newsletter, And A Real Book!

Sharing and Goodbye Time. From Random Writing to Clinical Hypnosis, A Focused Newsletter, And A Real Book!

Good morning and good evening and readers.

I want to share with you two new projects of mine. First, over the past 8 months, I have been training to work as a clinical hypnotherapist. And as such, I've created a new website, which can be accessed at:

Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy. Despite having some admittedly weird connotations, the practice of hypnotherapy lives on when held up to the light of empirical scrutiny. People have tried to kill it's credibility, but in the face of objective and statistical tests, it stands up to them, and thus lives on. I would not have trained in this if that were not the case, since objectivity and statistics are things that I value. It also helps that I've had a positive experience with clinical hypnosis. The feeling of being hypnotised is a nice one, kind of like getting lost in an engrossing movie, or like when you're on autopilot getting things done without thinking about how to get things done.

In fact, I'm proud to report that many neuroimaging studies, as well as randomised control trails and meta analyses, support the efficacy of clinical hypnosis. Know that the evidence is strongest for reductions in chronic pain, anxiety, IBS, stress, sleep, phobias, and the cessation of smoking. For wider issues, the evidence is not as strong. And what is clinical hypnosis? Essentially, it mixes talk-therapy with hypnosis. The main thing, hypnosis, is similar to mindfulness relaxation and meditation, though there are some important differences. But more on hypnosis on the other site,

Most of my writing time is now being directed towards a new newsletter, which I am calling Ways to Wellbeing. The idea is that there are many ways to engage in life in a positive way. Some people find therapy effective, while others find meaning through work, relationships, cold showers, psychedelics, friends, food, the gym, and so on and so on (and so on). The newsletter is specifically about exploring some of the ideas behind how these things work, and why they are effective. I aim to jam in as much science and research as I can, while making it actually readable. Bad prose kills how science is communicated; the opposite can illuminate it. I strive for the latter.

I will not always illuminate.

And what will I write about? I am particularly interested in the relationship between metabolism and brain health, psychedelics and wellbeing, and how artificial intelligence, genetic statistical scoring, and technology more broadly may create new opportunities to both understand and strengthen mental health. If any of that sounds interesting, then you can sign up for the newsletter here. It is released every two weeks. This week we're looking at cold water. Next week, it's nutritional ketosis. After that, maybe we'll do psychedelics.

What makes a competent therapist? — Crookes Hypnotherapy
Three things: compassion, self-understanding, and skill.

Beyond hypnosis and wellbeing, I am currently authoring a book, a project I'm really excited to be working on.

The central idea of the work is about travel. That is, adventures, gap years, and living abroad in general. I want to critique the idea that travel is always a good thing, but also share ideas on why travel can indeed be a wonderful experience. I think that too much of our societal discussions around travel are positive. What we learn from Instagram is that the grass is always greener. That just isn't true. Often people are running away from, avoiding, and hiding from things which cannot be escaped. Namely, oneself. And yet at the same time, there are so many people who have never truly been on an adventure into the unknown of this world, into the unknown of themselves. Doing that can be brilliant, since it tends to give people the great opportunity to explore both what's around but also what's inside.

Travel is a psychedelic and perspective altering experience that has in some circles become so common as to become trivial. In reality it can become hedonistic and materialistic while pretending to be deep and profound. What true difference is there between someone who flies to 20 countries a year, and between a person who buys 20 pairs of shoes a year? But at the same time travel is underappreciated. Adventure is a wild concept that gets lost in the monotony of the 9-5 working world. Frankly, more people could benefit from doing it. After all, we live in a world where travel and adventure has become so accessible, safe, and democratic. And that's why it's worth discussing. Alas, that is just one paradox. Beyond this, the book aims to explore wider themes around drug use, mental health, purpose, perspectives, language, culture, and work.

One word at a time I am writing this thing. It is a wonderful project to be involved with. Let's get it published! 3 years from now seems like a good timeline. Let's see how it goes. Excerpts from the book will likely get published on my Medium, which is an online platform aiming to make it easier for writers to find audiences, and also get paid. So if any readers want to keep reading my work, please head over to Crookes Hypnotherapy and sign up for the newsletter, or consider checking out Medium.

So, readers, thank you very much.

To anyone who has read or shared my writing, thank you very and very much! That was really kind.

I am sorry that my writing has been so fragmented, random, and strange. I created this website to write in all directions all at once, rather than for a nuanced reason. I created it, in other words, to explore and share my interests; to be unreasonably creative. Although unplanned, I look back to those early days and now firmly think this website project was a great decision. It's now two and a half-years since this platform was created, and today I can feel my interests clearly crystallising into more specific projects, and hopefully more cogent ideas, stories, and ways of communicating. Creativity is a great thing. If it interests you in any way, I think it really is something worth pursuing to the max, especially if you can get magically lost in it. That I have been lucky to experience. Getting magically lost, what many call flow - essentially a hypnotic experience - is cool. It's a great feeling. Writing does it for me, especially when accompanied by good music (mostly Lofi-Beats, Techno, House, and Drum. And. Bass).

So this is evanhughesideas signing out for a while.

As one door closes, another opens. Which for me means hypnosis and trying to write a book. Ah, what a wonderful world.

Good morning and good evening to you all!